Bonus Matthew Bible studies
3 years later we have come across new things we learned about the gospel of Matthew.
We wanted to a have place to share all the links to the resources we used to study.
Or you can listen on the podcast - Sisters and the Bible - on whatever platform your prefer to listen to podcasts.
Thanks for the support.
Make sure to check out our Amazon store too for links to some of the resources.
We didn’t know about patterns in the Bible, here are two sites we have used as we study John, they offer chiasms for Matthew:
Other resources:
Marty’s youtube -kingdom series
Masterpiece Bible playlist of how Matthew retells the entire OT
Matthew chapters 1- 4: (some of them will be used for other chapters as well)
When the Heavens are Opened: This Is My Son | Matthew 3 | Tim Mackie
Who Were the Magi and Why Are They In the Bible?
The Star of Bethlehem, the Magi, and the Connections in the Bible to the Overall Story
Shalom: Righteousness, Community and Loving Our Neighbors
The Mystery of Jesus’ Virgin Birth
The Mystery and Meaning of Bethlehem with Pastor Chad Veach and Rabbi Jason Sobel
A “Pregnant Virgin”?!? Defending a Messianic interpretation of Isaiah 7:14
Is the Child Born in Isaiah 9 Messianic Prophecy or History
The Star of Bethlehem, the Magi, and the Connections in the Bible to the Overall Story
The Mystery of the Magi and the Star of Bethlehem
Virgin Birth Stories Before Jesus? Darrell Bock, Joe Fantin, Mikel Del Rosario
Jesus and Caesar Augustus copied?
Jesus and Osiris: Was the Virgin Birth Copied from Myth? Mary Jo Sharp and Darrell Bock
Virgin Births in Other Religions? PROOF that Jesus’ Story Wasn’t Copied from Myths!
Was the Virgin Birth a Hoax? How to show that Jesus’ birth story WASN’T made up by the church!
Jesus and Mithra: Was the virgin birth copied from myths?
How to bring order out of chaos
Why did Satan quote Psalm 91 to Jesus? – came across this video after we filmed, wanted to share it because it was good
Rabbis and disciples: difficult lifestyle
Matthew chapters 5-7:
What Matthew 6:33 (Seek First the Kingdom of God) Means
There Is a Way to Know Jesus Better – Sermon on the mount
The Key to Unlocking Matthew’s Gospel
And more from the Bema podcast (and Marty Solomon’s YouTube channel) and the books Michelle mentioned in video by Lois Tverbery – the books are on our Amazon store – if you use our link we may receive a small commission. Thanks for the support, helps us keep doing this.
Sermon on the Mount #1 — The Beatitudes
Sermon on the Mount #2 — Salt and Light
Sermon on the Mount #3 — The Law
Sermon on the Mount #4 — Enemies
Sermon on the Mount #5 — The Needy
Sermon on the Mount #6 — Prayer and Fasting
Sermon on the Mount #7 — Worry
Sermon on the Mount #8 — Judgment
Sermon on the Mount #9 — The Door
Sermon on the Mount #10 — Trees and Fruit
Sermon on the Mount #11 — The Builders
Lord’s Prayer not a new prayer
More on the true meaning on giving and fasting in secret
More on Jesus teachings and not making it harder but
A sermon from Carmen Imes – we watched this after we filmed and thought it was good so wanted to share
Lawless Beatitudes: How Jesus Uses Isaiah to Summarize the Blessed Life, Not to Give Us a To-Do List
Matthew chapters 8-9:
Why did Jesus allow the demons to enter the herd of pigs
A Former Naked, Tomb-Dwelling Demoniac Becomes an Evangelist
Jesus eats with tax collectors and sinners
Matthew chapters 10-12:
Family-Dividing, Sword-Casting Jesus
Jesus as Fulfiller of Isaiah and the New Creation
The Violence of the Kingdom and the Friend of Sinners
Teaching about Biblical Allusions by Ray Vander Laan
Rabbis and disciples:Jesus’s yoke
The video Lori mentioned is here, but it now says video not available
Matthew chapters 13-15 :
Rabbis and disciples: Walking on water
Why Did Jesus Call A Gentile Woman A “Dog” In Matthew 15:26-27? | Explained
The Cosmic Tree and the Parable of the Mustard Seed
Rethinking the parables of hidden treasure and pearl
A Deeper Look at the Parable of the Weeds
Matthew chapters 16-18:
“Binding” and “Loosing” in the Kingdom of Heaven
Hades Vanquished and Peter the Rock
Scandalizing and Eye-Gouging: Jesus’ Call to Radical Repentance and Childlike Lowliness
The Coming of Elijah: Is It Actually Him or John the Baptist?
how Jesus Connects to the Feast of Tabernacles | Sukkot
Was “The Rock” Actually Known as The Gates of Hell in The Ancient World?
Peter’s confession at Caesarea Philippi