Classical Conversations cycle 2
If you have not seen my video sharing about Classical Conversations (CC) check it out here.
CC is the program I picked as Christian mom.
And as I am typing this, we are in our 3rd year and love it.
You can see our half way through in our first year thoughts here.
Also watch our end of our year homeschooling thoughts here, and in that video I discuss:
my thoughts as a first time homeschool mama
what are my future plans with Classical Conversations
some things that didn’t work for us and no longer using
For our first year CC was in cycle 2. There are 3 cycles. I will share the resources for the other 2 cycles in another post.
I have two videos, one sharing how we do the memory work and the other all the additional resources we use alongside the main CC.
How I use Classical Conversations memory work in my school day
I am sharing my daily flow for our homeschooling days, and hope it encourages you.
I use CC as our main spine for what we do and have a few things I add on to it like math, handwriting and reading.
My kids really enjoy CC too.
So they helps too. They are so eager to do the work.
And we all love the community day.
I also wanted to talk mention, I know there is a lot of information and resources out there and it can be overwhelming.
But I hope you see through my homeschool journey, you will just have to pick things and then change and adjust as you go. Which I have done.
We all have to find what works best for our family.
The additional resources I use to go along with Classical Conversations Cycle 2
I am loving all the resources and I pray it blesses you.
Resources for CC cycle 2:
Drawing science for CC for cycle 2 ( I forgot to show this but we love it)
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